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Sounds of Women

All through history while male composers have written their music, female ditos have created their own. Only something went very wrong along the way; half of the population seems to have been erased from the music history. Today, people with no interest in classical music are still able to name several male composers, while musicians and highly interested listeners hardly can name one or two female composers.

Why and how did this happen? In their concert programs Sounds of Women ask questions themselves and give answers to others. The audience gets to listen to amazing and often unheard music from different centuries up until today. They get to learn hard facts and bitter truths, laugh a good deal and hopefully leave the room with new knowledge and a curiosity to find out more about all the fantastic women composers that lived, created art, and those who live today.   

The piano trio Trio Quinta is based in the middle of Sweden in Jämtland County, and has been playing concerts throughout the country and Scandinavia for 25 years. They have specialized in two fields over the years; the Argentine Tango and the forgotten classical music by women.

Lena Moén, from the mountains of Härjedalen, has with her outstanding soprano travelled around Sweden and Norway singing all the big sacred masses as a soloist. She has won several prizes and is a member of the handpicked choir Barents Kammarkör.

The collaboration between TQ and Lena immediately clicked and they received the Cultural Prize 2017 from the municipally of Östersund due to their research on women composers and highly appreciated performances.

In the fall of 2018 Sounds of Women received a financial contribution from the cultural Fund of Finland and Sweden to visit Finland and spread their knowledge about female composers.

The plans for 2019 consists of concert tours throughout Sweden, and a special visit to (the capital of Finland) Helsinki. The ensemble is looking forward to doing more work shops with student of the musical arts.

Listen to our samples

Listen to some of our shortened audio files

Contact us

Do you have any questions or want to engage us for a concert or workshop - do not hesitate to give us a message!

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Lena Moén


Annelie Rydh


Maria Sjöstedt-Björs


Katarina Åhlén
